Tuesday, March 13, 2007

If adulthood were a class . .

Quick story before the post. I'm in a ski shop last Friday. This girl I know (knew) turns to me and says, "Hey Snake!!!". I reply, "Hi, my real name is Charles." To which she replies with what might very well be the most homosexual statement anyone has ever said to me . . .

"But your friend Bubba calls you Snake, right?"

Me: "yes."

Ok, now that I got that off my chest on with the post. Did you realize that your weekend was only 47 hours?!?! I want my hour back, and I don't want to have to wait till the fall to get it. Why should my weekend have to suffer?

What is even worse? I don't know where you live but here in Devon, PA, it is going to be sunny and 65 degrees (F). Thats right kids?! Perfect cycling weather. Throw a few water bottles on the bike and go ride!!! That is pretty much all my mind can think about right now. I don't want to drive to work and sit inside a blue cubicle wondering about all the fun I could be having. I figure when I'm done riding I could cook some barbeque and then take a nap. It would be great way to spend the day.

What am I getting at? I am almost positive that if adulthood were a class I would be getting a "D". I'm not failing, cause I do have a job and all that good stuff. But all my thoughts constantly subvert what every normal person would consider success in adulthood. I have never grown up enough to just suck it up and go work without thinking that there are much more enjoyable ways to spend my day. Everyone else I see has no problem going to work and ignoring the absolute beautiful weather outside. How is it possible that I am the only one?


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I've made comments to you that were way more gay... and you vice versa...

Charles said...

Yeah, especially when I walked into your cube and asked you if you had any extra lube.