Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween Kids!!!

Happy Halloween Kids,

I'm not a big Halloween guy. Some people are and it frightens me when people get a little too into Halloween. What am I getting dressed up as? I wear my costume every weekend. I put on lots of lycra and pretend to be a cyclist!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Early Halloween

I just ate 3 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups with a glass of milk. Then I decide to eat 2 more with another glass of milk.

And here is a link. I think this person cares too much about candy, but who am i to judge?

Whats on deck?

Well, I did another Cyclocross race this weekend. It was the Beacon Cross Race in Bridgeton NJ. It is famous for an Amphitheatre of Pain and a Beach Run. Outside of those 2 sections, it is a very fast race. Nothing else too technical minus 2 slightly sketchy descents. On one of these descents a racer flew right over the handle bars!!!! How did my race go you ask?

Well, my start was absolute shit!!! I was stuck behind some kid in highschool and a fatty from the men C class. After eventually getting around them, I was working my way through the field and having a great race. Then my chain dropped. :( Half a dozen people pass me as a I fix my chain. The next two laps are spent me passing everyone I was ahead of. I passed about half a dozen riders on the last lap, which is always nice. Despite "the suck", It was still my best race of the season by far.

I have a few pics of the amphitheatre of pain and the beach. I'll post em in a few days.

I nearly forgot one of the best parts of the race. I'm putting my bike back in the hot rod. Chatting with a few Human Zoom riders when one of them turns to me and says, "Did I hear you needed a beer?" Who am I to refuse a beer? He reaches into his pocket pulls out a can of PBR for me!!! I chat with them for a little while longer and enjoy my refreshing beer. It was especially nice since I had no post race recovery drink with me. Cross racers kick ass!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Set Higher Standards

One of my favorite blogs . . .

A good friend of mine has a blog that is much more kick ass than anything ever written here at Leave the Fan On. He writes about personal development with a very unique perspective and really shares quite a bit about himself and his experiences. I really suggest you check out his blog and read it on a regular basis.

Set Higher Standards

THe barriers


Monday, October 23, 2006

The Verge MAC Series has begun!!!

Crossed it up this weekend. Finished middle rear in both races.

Friday, October 13, 2006

A confession

the picture that you saw 2 posts ago . . . . well, i didn't take it. :(

It was taken by my sister with her camera phone of all things. She took it from the island of Kaui in Haiwai. It is right around the Nepali Coastline region of the island.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Pop Quiz Hot Shot!

What do you do when your favorite cyclist goes to one of your least favorite teams? . . .

What do you do?


Friday, October 06, 2006

the water is rather warm!

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Thong Song . . .

Dumps like a truck, truck, truck
Thighs like what, what, what?
Baby move your butt, butt, butt
all night long
Let me see that thong!